Monday, February 9, 2009

Have you ever had one of those days when no matter what you do it just ends up being totally backwards. Well, today was one of those days. I had a million things on my schedule today. Vendors needed to be called, we needed to update our inventory, new display pictures needed to go in on the website, but for some reason or another that was not the plan in store for me today. The day started out with all my children apparently waking up on the wrong side of the bed (I wonder if they had a meeting last night, and decided lets make mommy's life a little tougher today). None of them wanted to get dressed, my middle one refused to let me fix her hair, my youngest decided it was more fun to throw the oatmeal across the table than to eat it, and my oldest decided that school was not for him, and that he would rather crawl back under the covers. My mother always told me "pick your battles", so I did. My daughter exited the house looking like Don King, my youngest left the house with most of his oatmeal in his hair. The battle I choose to pick was with my oldest. Guess who won that one? I finally got them all out of the house and off to their respective locations. When I arrived at the office everyone was in a panic, due to some files had gone missing for today's shipments. The printer was out of ink, the e-mail system had some sort of malfunction. Shall I continue, I guess you get the point, it was just one of those days.
But as I sit and reflect on this somewhat crazy day I have come to the realization that no matter what is thrown at you, and no matter how overwhelmed you feel, you get through it. Life would be pretty boring if you always had it exactly outlined and there was no hurdles in the road. Motherhood is one big roller coaster, and still, I can't wait to get back on the next ride.

I almost forgot, we are very excited to be able to welcome Kolcraft to the family. Kolcraft is a leading manufacturer of crib mattresses, playards, strollers and much more. Kolcraft's commitment to quality and service makes them a great fit to the family. Please check back on our website as we will be adding these new products in the coming weeks.

Have a great week everyone, and as always thank you for all your support


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Welcome to's blog.

After many meetings and discussions regarding what we wanted to included in this blog, and in which direction we wanted to take it, I think we finally have it down. In our blog you will be able to read not only about the products that we carry, but also about our lives as parents. We feel that it is not only important to have an informative blog, but also show that stands for so much more than just being a great online juvenile store. We want you as our customers to know that we care and value your opinion, and at the same time we want to be able to share with you our experience as parents, both our triumphs and mishaps.

We hope that you enjoy this blog and will follow it for many years to come.

Thank you for all your support throughout this trying economy.